Bread and Lardo
with tomato for refreshment in the dazzling summers;
with onion or anchovy to feed on in the humid winters
in the white marble quarries of Carrara (Tuscany).


And there
"...through a very narrow valley with difficult steps..."
(AC Malaspina 1602)
You reach Colonnata,
where marble has been quarried since Roman times and where, thanks to the particular climate and painstaking, patient processing, it has been possible to transform the swine backfat
from a poor ingredient
into a delicate scented watermouthing seasoned meat:
the Lardo di Colonnata.
A transcendence, an artistic gesture, perhaps inspired
by the great sculptors
who went there and
lead to look for the artwork in the block.


In the families of quarrymen from Colonnata the conche (marble containers where the backfat is left to age) are handed down from father to son and with them the traditions and secrets. In 1949 the Guadagni family opens to the public the lardo of his own production in the grocery store and restaurant run by Anna and Amedeo and when in the 1950s "the asphalt" reached the hamlet which until then had remained well protected from the rest of the world, Colonnata and their trattoria immediately established itself as a tourist destination for the delicacy of their lardo "scented with spices and aromatic herbs" (Aronte 6/30/1958).
Fausto in 1984 dedicated himself to the production and trade of the food of his ancestors, creating the trattoria "Locandapuana” and since 1997 the “Larderia” where compliance with the EU hygienic-sanitary requirements with the IT L 9 2258 CE recognition, has taken nothing away from the typicality and genuineness of the workmanship, thus perpetuating the loyal and constant uses of the family tradition.


Data item
Opening time
str. comunale per Colonnata 4
54033 Colonnata-Carrara-Tuscany-Italy
+39 0585 768069
+39 335 6530268
Mon - Fri
8:30 am – 4:00 pm
On appointment

Azienda: Guadagni Fausto
Titolo del Progetto: Affettamento
CUP domanda 4508.17092020.172000764_4919
Descrizione Progetto: Acquisto Pesoprezzatrice ed Affettatrice Automatica a Peso Target mediante selezionatrice ponderale e adattamento automatico dei parametri di taglio.
Programmabili ed interconnesse